G M remedial

about us

Our bodies have a unique story to tell as they remember every knock, injury, surgery, and impact. Thanks to an Adaptive Forces Complex, your brain and heart coordinate with hormones, musculoskeletal systems, and connective tissue to help your body keep moving, prevent pain, protect itself from injuries, brace for impact, and self-heal.  

However, the tension developed from this complex can only continue for a limited time before causing muscle aches and cramps, joint stiffness, loss of flexibility, headaches, and other issues. These symptoms may lead to injuries if not addressed in time, especially under heavy weight loads. Fortunately, our body's ability to self-heal is incredible, and massage and other connective tissue techniques can enhance this ability.  

At G M Remedial, we provide integrative holistic manual therapies, which include massage therapy to address soft tissues such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, myofascial, and skin. Our trained and certified massage therapists use various levels of pressure, massage, and movement techniques to cater to your health plan and assist you in your healing journey.  

Massage therapy has numerous benefits, including reducing muscle tension, relieving pain, and stress, improving blood circulation, increasing white cell count, and promoting relaxation. Ultimately, these advantages contribute to enhancing your overall well-being.